Spring is almost here…

Not everything in life goes as planned, but when we look at the trees which shed their leaves we know they will grow again and the happy days of spring are not too far… This year has caused a lot of anxiety, fear, worry of the known and unknown and while things are slowly settlingContinue reading “Spring is almost here…”

When will all of this end?

I have always been that person who rarely stresses out. The last time I stressed out was two years ago during my exams( which is common) We are currently living in these uncertain times where it has become so normal to feel anxious and stressed. Our country has been in and out of covid andContinue reading “When will all of this end?”

You do youđź’«

On a chilly winter evening walk by the beach , I stopped and looked at the sea- the beginning of a self contemplating evening. I started thinking about my day at work and everything I have achieved in the last two years , since I moved to a foreign country and could not stop feelingContinue reading “You do youđź’«”

•Bittersweet Choices•

​ And my darling .. When you have to make a bittersweet choice.  A choice to fly or stay put;  choose to fly my darling … choose to fly… And , I’ll tell you why; If you choose to stay put , you will let the universe rob your energy , take away your joyfulContinue reading “•Bittersweet Choices•”

Don’t you dare let the world define you!

Oh what a world of immense choices we live in! Ever wondered how badly we are spoilt for choices, very often right?  So what’s a right choice according to you?  A right choice could be : 1. An intuitive feeling which says , go ahead ; do it 2. Let’s take a risk and seeContinue reading “Don’t you dare let the world define you!”

A good lesson that chicken pox taught me!

Alright! So. I’m here after a really long time. Had I forgotten about my Blog? Oh, yeah pretty much i think so, blame the mundane tasks in life. Lying in bed, feeling very very isolated,lost,sad,upset but also very happy ,loved,excited at the same time. So my present scene goes like this… I have developed chickenContinue reading “A good lesson that chicken pox taught me!”

Have you ever..??

​Have you ever.. ?? Have you ever been in a relationship with someone to such an extent that everyday is certainly the best day of your life?  You love that someone with all your soul,heart and might. With all the energy the universe has blessed you with.  One fine day, the person moves away fromContinue reading “Have you ever..??”